If you’re new to the field and you’re about to build an API, I would have asked you right away to know everything about REST, the Ever-ruling King of APIs. But now, without any second thoughts, I believe instead of directing you to an experienced and successful KING of APIs, I would gladly lead you to the gates of the young, refreshing, and revolutionary GraphQL. 😎
Of course, both are ways to send data over web services, like HTTP!
I know what you are thinking right now! 😊
REST, a well experienced and efficacious KING Vs. GraphQL, the new Kid?!?🙄😏
When it comes to situations like this, I always like to implement the 5 Ws.
So…shall we start with…the Ws? 💪👇
GraphQL is an open source query and manipulation language for APIs providing a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, giving clients the power to ask for exactly what they need.
In simple terms, “You get exactly what you asked!”👍
Internally developed and used by Facebook in 2012, GraphQL was released to the public in 2015.
Though we all are aware in the ever-changing world that REST is not the “Final Solution”, this API design architecture has ruled the grounds of implementing web services for over a very long time, magnificently, and forget not, is still continuing to rule effectively. But, the new GraphQL has stolen the hearts of API developers, by being transformative!
WHY? The very big question that answers “Why” choosing GraphQL over REST is best. Focusing on the bullet points:
- GraphQL is a query language, making it more efficient and consistent.
- GraphQL is easy to design, followed by uncomplicated consistency between APIs.
- GraphQL is contract-driven and accompanies with introspection.
- Like REST, there’s no more getting lost in a lot of data return and getting stuck with the rigid server defined endpoints.
- GraphQL can be transformative and enables a collaborative teamwork space for both the frontend and backend.
- GraphQL is faster than REST.
- With GraphQL, monitoring the field usage in technical level has become a stress-free job.
- With GraphQL, “Client Performance” is always given first preference and importance.
- GraphQL makes deprecations look awesome.
When it comes to comparison, when it comes to performance test, always the question of “when” one surpasses the other will be considered to place the bets.
So, when does GraphQL surpass REST in real time usage? Shall we…
It always is a beauty of our heart to fall for the one who solves our problems with ease, right? GraphQL is one such lifesaver, at times.
- Client Satisfaction 😇 – GraphQL helps the client to fetch “all” the required data from the server in just one round-trip. REST, is…still traditional, multiple endpoints and multiple round-trips.
- Client Dependency🤝 – With GraphQL, we can decouple clients from our servers.
- Efficiently Communicative 👌– Of course! GraphQL is a language! GraphQL steps in the middle of the communication gap between the client and the server and helps interpreting the client’s requirement and in turn, helps the server fulfill the client’s data requirement by providing the needed data.
- Traffic🚦 – Multiple clients are requesting for different sets of data from different services? Worry not as, GraphQL has got its own structured and standardized way to handle the situation and simplify the process, making sure, every client’s request task is accomplished.
The magic doesn’t stop here…✨
- GraphQL is flexible.
- GraphQL has a simplified nature of expressing the required data.
- GraphQL gives clients the leniency to express their requirement in the way they can understand.
- GraphQL has got the ultimate power of sending the queries in a string.
- GraphQL makes the server as the endpoint, making sure the client can receive all the required data needed.
- With REST, the request starts from, well, basically the fullest available. But, when it comes to GraphQL, it always is the small and required request. #Client Satisfaction #Time Saved
Have you ever been amazed at the magic of GraphQL?? 🤔
Of course! Only that, you might not be aware of the fact that it’s because of GraphQL.😎
- Apps using GraphQL are always fast and stable as they control the data. GraphQL queries always return predictable results.💨💨
- Subscription updates that a subscribed client receives are a GraphQL feature. 📝
- With GraphQL, we can build a fully functional real-time live chat app!📲
- Live Queries, one of the most common ways to get live data is achieved via GraphQL! ✍
With this, how can we say that GraphQL is better than REST??
Well, I’m not stating that REST is no more the ruler or should be dethroned.
It’s not all about where you are or where you came from, but, where you can go from where you are!
GraphQL is still young and has got the flexibility within to mature and take over! 😎💪
With GraphQL, the revolutionary path it has taken says that it has the potential to make a big difference!
REST will not fade away or be given rest, but, for sure, GraphQL will be the NEXT and will take care of the rest in the near future! 🤩💪😊
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