App Developer : How to hire the best app developer in 2022

When you are finding it hard to sleep, instead of counting sheep, have you ever tried counting the number of apps in your smartphone’s App Store?
App Developers are easy to find.
Finding the best-working, smart, creative, transparent and a reliable app developer, at an affordable price though is…
With digital platforms changing the way every business is being done, irrespective of the industry, the need for apps have become an essential part of business.
Apps are dominating the digital platform and are boosting businesses’ reach, growth and profit. Hiring an app developer to boost your business is a necessity in the current market.
Let us surmise on how you can hire the best app developer for a successful and effective app, as per your business requirement.
PS: Should your business have an app?
So, if you are wondering or pondering whether your business needs a mobile app version to be successful, it’s our responsibility to give you the reason of why. And also, why you are late, but not too late.

According to Statista, in 2023, mobile apps are projected to generate more than 935 billion U.S. dollars in revenues via paid downloads and in-app advertising.
- Apps takes your business closer into the hands and pockets of your customers, clients, and partners.
- Apps support in immediate communication and collaboration with your customers and clients.
- Apps help you manage your business from any part of the world.
- Apps help you create unique services and loyalty programs for your customers.
- With apps, improved customer engagement is easier and thus, increased brand awareness.
- Apps help in real-time, hassle-free, error-free reports and updates.

How to have an app developed for your business?
With mobile apps, businesses are able to :
- Connect with their clients and partners with minimal effort.
- Reach their customers with ease.
- Expand their market.
- Extend their services to larger population.
- Stay ahead with a gained advantage in the competition.
To develop an app to effectively grow your business, before hiring an app developer, your understanding of the main purpose of the app is important.
- Elaborate your Goals. Consult with specialists, developers, and do an intense research on the app’s details, it’s basics, and the app’s pros and cons. There are IT companies who provide consultation and estimation details, on discussing with you about the business and app requirements.
- KYC. Know your Customer @ Target Audience. Take into consideration your target audience. In case your app is going to be global, understand the cultural differences, languages, facilities, securities, the difference in viewpoints, competitors in the respective country, and more.
- Know the Market. Regional differences also include the difference in platform usage, difference in in-app details, security and policies. In the case of difference in Android Vs. Apple device, while Android is dominating in many countries, Apple dominates in the USA. Understand clearly on your customer profile and prioritize the platforms for app development. This helps in flexible budgeting for the app, costing, and other resources.
- Consider App Requirements & Functions. With a deep understanding of the app’s workflow and the purpose of the app, have a detailed idea on the basic features of the app, special features you wish to add to the app, and how you expect the front end and UI/UX to attract your customer.
- Set Budget. Have a deep understanding of how much an app’s cost differs with the complexity and size. Understanding about your app requirement, specifications, app platform (iOS, Android, Windows, Web Applications), resources required, timeline from design to launch, and other criteria involved from discussion to production of the app are all necessary to make a detailed flexible budget.

Steps to hire an App Developer
Hiring an app developer is not an easy cup of tea!
Before hiring an app developer, take into consideration, the following steps to save time, money, and effort.
- Research Before hiring app developers, do an intense research on app developers, app developing companies, and the global market of app developers and the programming languages used. Start from your trusted family, friends, or corporate network and look for app developers who can get your app project done in the mentioned time and resources.
- Experience Be sure to check on developers and their profile. Check their level of experience, other works they have worked, their level of creativity and their skill in the programming language he/she uses to develop the app.
- Communicate to Collaborate For a successful app development, communication is a must. Focus on his/her/their level of understanding and how they are expressing their thoughts, in the first few meetings. Through communication, it’s easy to understand and grasp their potential.
- Set Criteria Before having initial meetings with the app developer or company, prepare a list of criteria you wish to discuss and get clarified. Certain important criteria are reviews, references, specialty, programming language, their mode of work, contracts, legal process, and more. You could also discuss fee, NDA and more.
- Be clear on Business Requirement Selecting a skilled app developer also means the right technology partner. Miscommunication from our end could also end in losing a best app developer or partner. So be clear and precise on your requirement. Be sure to be clear in explaining about the app, requirement, concept, and target market.

What to see in an app developer before hiring?
An app developer is someone with whom you are going to share your business details, and so he/she is required to be equally skilled, have a deep understanding of your business, address your project’s requirements skillfully, and be transparent on features and budget.
Your first few meetings will give you a clear idea whether you have found a right app developer for your requirement.
- Your strategic goals are the same This happens when you realize that you and the app developer are seeing the product and the final output as the same. If this is different, then the whole process is going to be, without any doubts, a real-time mess and series of misunderstandings. Before approving the developer, ensure the developer’s level of understanding on the requirement, design, outlook, UI/UX, app, mode of work and budget are same as yours.
- Responsibility Be clear with the responsibilities beforehand. Have an open discussion on process, progress, budget, features, tools, and even the basic fundamental issues. To avoid waste of time, conflicts, and wastage of other resources, be transparent and have a written documentation of all responsibilities from both the parties involved.
- Be Rational On signing a contract, be rational on shares and partnership. Let the contract be clear on every single detail of the share and partnership, and leave not any detail unwritten.

App Developers
With the world carrying their business in their pockets, app developments play a major role for this transformation.
To develop an app, companies hire an app developer. To design, develop, and launch an app successfully, a right team and smart work is required to grasp the purpose of the app and develop it.
Picking the right app developer depends on factors like budget, requirement, approaching compatibility, specialization, and skill.
Three basic options are being practiced by businesses in hiring an app developer.
- Freelancer Hiring an individual app developing specialist.
- Globally available proficient app developer.
- Hire a specialist, mostly just 1 person, for small or pet projects.
- The specialist works as per the nature of the contract signed.
- This mode of hiring is cheap.
- Working offshore, this type of hiring facilitates you as you do not have to pay for vacation days.
- In-house Team The most trusted type is hiring an app developer as your team member.
- Having a developer added to your existing software team increases the possibility of collaborating, communicating, and in deep understanding of the business, product and requirement.
- Having an expert in the office premises reduces the gap in between scalability, instant updates and in real-time issue solving.
- This could facilitate a small or medium business.
- Outsourcing In case of large business, it’s better to outsource the project and hire the best app developer team or a company, on contract basis.
- As the team is already filled with experienced developers, it’s efficient to take a faster phase.
- Their expertise could give a better version of your app, than how you might have imagined.
- There’s no additional expenses involved like interview time, training period, and waiting for the person to match the team’s level.
- There’s a guaranteed completion of the project, before the deadline.
- In case if you are satisfied, there’s possibility, to sign a happy partnership for future projects. Thus saving you the worry and time of future digitization of the business.

Where to find an App Developer?
When you are confirmed and prepared with the mentioned details and requirements, and you feel it’s time to look for an app developer, that’s where the biggest task begins.
Thanks to many online platforms, finding an app developer, especially the best one, is easy to find.
- Your Network – The first place you should be looking for an app developer is your network of people. Your family, friends, college professors, colleagues, business contacts. There are chances, they might know or heard of any developer who can meet your requirement. You can always rely on them for a good word of mouth and trust.
- Google – The ocean of information and verified data, is indeed, a holy grail. It indeed is filled with details of greater number of developers and companies. Begin the search with the exact requirement, as there are always chances to lose track in the ocean.
- B2B Directories – Sites like are available online with pools of companies of all sizes, their projects, portfolio, budget, and reviews from their clients.
- Communities – Online communities like Dribbble are available to promote talents of individual developers and designers. Taking a one good glance at their designs, you can contact them through their profile.
- Freelance Websites – Freelance sites like Toptal own an exclusive network of experienced freelance software developers, designers, experts, and even project managers whom you can hire fo your projects.
- Blogs – Tech blogs like TechCrunch are resourceful blogs with articles to guide you step by step, and also written by experts who are skilled in the process. Looking for an app developer in tech blogs also gets you educated on the process and refines your search in the best possible way.
Developing a mobile application for your business, regardless of the size of your business and project, is essential for your success and business enhancement. Taking care of your app is indirectly taking care of your customers, clients, employees, and partners.
An app, once it is in the market, a lot of dependencies are involved, and the success of the app defines your business growth. The app is going to be your brand ambassador and the effective performance of the app decides your brand image and future. There’s a lot of accountability involved with both clients and customers, in app developing as it will be reflected once it’s live in the market.
Thus, for a successful growth, enhancement, and digitization of your business, an app developing team, or company or person should be someone who can blend well like you with the requirement. Their expertise and understanding is what’s going to decide on your business’s success and future.
With the above guidelines, hope you will hire the best app developer and enhance your business, and it’s digital platform.
PS: In response to the question at the beginning of the article, according to Statista, as of the first quarter of 2021, there are 3.48 million apps in Google Play Store, making it the app store with greater number of available apps!

About Us
Ascent24 Technologies, established in 2019, is a successfully growing software solutions and service provider, providing efficient, scalable, and quality digital solutions for businesses of all sizes and industry.
We are one of the leading app developers in India, with clients ranged from all parts of the world. Share us your idea and place your request. Let’s discuss and help you own the best in the market.
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