Flutter : Everything about it stands out!

Flutter, Google’s new open source UI framework for developing revved up, seamlessly surprising and speedy applications on Android, iOS and Windows OS!

What makes Google’s Flutter standout?

“Everything about it!”

I don’t want to be the person to provide a special and separate rostrum for Flutter and file a SWOT Analysis report, joining in late!

Flutter has already spread its wings and is flying vibrantly!

Everyone by now would be relieved from the shock on hearing about Flutter’s magic, awe-inspired, surprised and aware of all the truths about Google’s Flutter.

I’m not even here to talk or discuss or provide a comparative analysis between flutter against React Native or Xamarin or Ionic or Cordova or PhoneGap!!!

Come on…let’s give some space for the internet to breathe!!!

“So…what am I even doing here?”

If this is what you are thinking, well… It could be because you are still oscillating about whether to choose Flutter or not.

That’s precisely why I’m here to tell why you should go for Flutter and why it will be your perfect next choice!

“The world is already fluttering towards Flutter!”
(Image Source: Twitter)

To keep it short and crisp…I will place the top 10 points on why you should rush to learn Flutter.

  • Cross-Platform…Multi-Platform: Well, we all are well aware of how every single framework in the market is trying hard to achieve cross-platform and multi-platform development. But, to everyone’s surprise, Google has achieved it and is precise to the point with Flutter! Along with mobile apps, now, flutter can be used to build apps for the web, desktop and even embedded devices.
  • “Portable UI Toolkit!” : All from a SINGLE CODE! “WRITE ONCE…RUN in ALL!” Yes, you read it right! Write the codings in Flutter once and use the same for all platforms, be it web or desktop or embedded systems or even mobiles! It’s only been months and look how fast Flutter has grown!
  • DART – The  Black Arrow! : DART is the Programming Language of Flutter. Few words about DART: Object-oriented, AOT compilation, JIT compilation, Minimal codes, fewer bugs. DART is the Black Arrow that’s likely expected to slay the giant dragons in Programming field viz., Javascript, Obj-C.
  • Hot Reload: All it takes is only seconds to see the changes. Providing quicker and better collaboration between designers and developers, hence, making it easy to notice bugs and fix them, add new features easily and also to experiment with new ideas! #Support freedom and creativity!
  • Widgets: Be it Google’s Material Design or Apple style Cupertino pack, Flutter has got its own full set of built-in widgets! Widgets in Flutter are used for view, entire screen and even for the app! As stated by the Flutter’s documentation, “Each widget is an immutable declaration of part of the user interface.”
  • Set Up & Performance: Flutter unlike its competitors, can work on any OS. Easy to set up and start coding…Soft Learning! Are you familiar with Java and Javascript? Then learning Flutter and Dart will be easy-learn curve! With Hot Reload, it’s easy to track and keeps you tuned. The highly expressive widgets are responsible for Better Performance! Flutter is faster than the hybrid frameworks that are existing in the market! Flutter is Faster, High-speed approach, flexible and to sum it up….Flutter is highly productive!
  • Native Codes – Development Pace: Application Development with Flutter has made everything easy and stress-free for the developers via Flutter’s native codes, third-party integrations, and platform APIs. With Flutter, it’s easy to access the native features and SDKs in both iOS and Android, making the rewriting task sound like it’s nothingzzz…!
  • Easy Benefiting Features: 2D Mobile Apps support, Performance, Plugin Availability, Documentation, Tooling, Creative built-in designs, cross-platform framework, Support for storage, camera, location, network and more!
  • Routing & Navigation: https://flutter.dev/docs/development/ui/navigation

Flutter has already given a  detailed report regarding their routes and Navigator!

  • Community Support: Oooo….This support that the worldwide famous companies and leading brands provide are the leading examples and words stating the power and success! Alibaba, eBay, Sonos, Square, Capital One, Tencent and, many more leading companies and brands in the market have already started successfully developing apps with Flutter! Flutter, in 2019 StackOverflow developer survey, is listed as one of the “most-loved developer frameworks”! What more is needed?!?!

The success of Flutter…Mmmmm….maybe when the Google developers decide to rewrite their every single mobile app using Flutter, and then, maybe then….shall we say that flutter is also trying to get hold of the world like google??


If you’re really interested in getting to know all about Flutter, “RIGHT NOW!”, is the perfect and apt and correct time!


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